Title: Aufbau (New York, N.Y. : 1934-2004).
Extent of publication: 1. Jahrg., Nr. 1 (1. Dez. 1934) - Vol. 70, No. 5 (April, 2004)
Copyright: © JM Jüdische Medien AG / Serenade Verlag AG, Postfach 8027, Zürich, Switzerland. Users may access, download or print low resolution copies for research, teaching, and private study without obtaining written prior permission of JM. Commercial use or publication of any portion of the work requires prior written permission of JM Jüdische Medien AG / Serenade Verlag AG, Zürich.
Digitization: The Library of the Leo Baeck Institute New York has digitized all issues of Aufbau published from inception of the newspaper in 1934 through 2004 via Internet Archives. A few issues were contributed by the New York Public Library as well as the Mikrofilmarchiv der Deutschsprachigen Presse in Dortmund. Partial funding was provided by the Metropolitan New York Library Council.
Subtitle varies: Nachrichtenblatt des German-Jewish Club Inc (Jahrg. 1, Nr. 1 (1934)-Jg. 5, Nr. 5 (1939)); Blätter für das Judentum (Jg. 5, Nr. 6 (1939)-Jg. 5, Nr. 18 (1939)); Serving the interests and the Americanization of the immigrants (Jg. 6, Nr. 1-Nr. 20 (1940)); Reconstruction (Jg. 7, Nr. 1 (1941); America’s only German-Jewish publication ([194-?]); The Jewish paper for transatlantic dialogue: Jg. 68, Nr. 10 (2002); The transatlantic Jewish paper (-<2004>)
Imprint varies: Published: New York, N.Y. : New World Club, Dec. 20, 1940- Important editors and contributors: 1939-1965, edited by: Manfred George; After 1964, edited by: Hans Steinitz; occasionally after 1938: Will Schaber; 1985- 1994, Henry Marx; after 2005, edited by: Yves Kugelmann; contributor after 1941: Benedikt Fred Dolbin; after 1947: Moritz Goldstein, Pseud. Inquit; after 1946: Kurt Kersten; occasionally: Thomas Mann; Fritz von Unruh; Carl Zuckmayer; Franz Werfel; Lion Feuchtwanger; Ralph Giordano; Jens Reich; Stefan Heym; editor, contributor, illustrator, caricaturist and 1939-1982: Ludwig Wronkow; proofreader: Paul E. Marcus, PEM`
Continued by: Aufbau (Zurich, Switzerland : 2005-)
Summary: Aufbau began publication in 1934 as a newsletter for the German-Jewish Club of New York. By then the club was ten years old and its membership was steadily increasing. In the beginning, the newspaper contained mostly news about club activities, articles about Jewish culture and contemporary events, and helpful facts for Jewish refugees. Overtime, its articles focused more and more on international events and especially the treatment of Jews in Germany. Aufbau became one of the leading anti-Nazi publications of the German press in exile. Many well-known personalities wrote for the publication, including Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, and Stefan Zweig. From September 1, 1944 through September 27, 1946, the Aufbau printed numerous lists of Jewish Holocaust survivors located in Europe, as well as a few lists of victims.
Supplements: Accompanied < 1941- > by supplements: Westkueste, Jüdische Welt, Neu Volks-Zeitung, Die Zeitgeist.
Includes a supplement not printed separately: Wiedergutmachung ([1957?-197-?]).
Index: An index to personal names that appeared in Aufbau between 1941 and 2003 is available online from the Aufbau Indexing Project, see
Holdings: Vol. 1, No. 1 (1934) - Vol. 70, No. 5 (2004) (COMPLETE)
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Rit Staalman
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May 18, 2016
such a good digital view!